Temples of Legend
The origin of the chapel of Santa Ana, now defunct, is legendary. Irene Santa Ana Salcedo begs to protect her fiance, Gonzalo de Vera, who fights alongside Juan II against Aragon and Navarre.
Three months after the march, on the day of Santiago, they tell her that Gonzalo is dead and enters cataleptic state. Gonzalo, however, reaches Soria the next day, the feast of Santa Ana, when she was being buried, the coffin out of the hugging her and kissing her and she wakes up like the “Sleeping Beauty”. His family then decided to build on top of the highest hill soriano a chapel dedicated to Santa Ana, in whose hill the hermitage of San Saturio is.
Marian statue of the Virgen del Espino is found by a shepherd of Soria on a thorn near Covaleda when it was part of the Community of Villa and Tierra de Soria. He got into a bag and when he went to show it to their neighbors, had disappeared and returned to the hawthorn, prodigy that was repeated again, so it was decided to build the chapel right there. Subsequently, the image is brought to the capital and in his honor the parish of Our Lady of Espino.
The image of the Virgen del Miron was found by a farmer. His mules stopped and did not move in any way, as he heard a voice telling him “Look voyeur”, but saw nothing. When the authorities heard the case in the field dug and found farm size. The farmer fell into a trance and repeated again and again “Look voyeur. Look voyeur … “, hence his name to be shrine of the Virgen of Voyeur.
Moreover, the tradition wants that Saint Francis of Assisi, way of Santiago de Compostela, placed five piles of stones, outside the walls, which would define the future Franciscan monastery whose residents would pray to cease after a drought, being served her pleas.
San Lazaro also gave love. Leaving from Soria to Zaragoza a small lazareto was with chapel or shrine, inside which, there was a mysterious slab in its center that no one knew exactly what it was and who trod on Saturday of Lazarus (the previous to Palm Sunday) married that same year. This prodigy was discovered by a Jew with leprosy who was cured there and who made his fortune sending the sorianas concubines to pray to San Lazaro making them walk into the chapel. When he died the secret was found in one of their scrolls.