How to get there
The city of Soria ins the capital of the Province with the same name.
It is located in the upper course of river Duero, on the North Plateau, in the oriental border of the Autonomous of Community of Castilla and León and its municipal district has a surface of 271.77 km².
It limits to the North with La Rioja, to the East with Aragón (Province of Zaragoza), to the South with Castilla la Mancha (Province of Guadalajara) and to the West with the Provinces of Segovia and Burgos.
This almost central and estrategic position in the national map places it close to important Spanish cities such as Madrid, Valladolid and Pamplona; and only 274 Km away from the Spanish border with France in San Sebastian.
It is the second highest capital city in Spain, 1,063 metres above see level.
There are four villages ascribed as neighbouhoods of the city: Las Casas, Toledillo, Oteruelos and Pedrajas.
What means of transport will you use?

By CAR from
Logroño on the N-111 (107 Km)
Zaragoza on the N-122 (156 Km)
Madrid on the A-15 (227 Km)
Valladolid on the N-122 (209 Km)
Burgos on the N-234 (141 Km)

By BUS from
Madrid, Logroño, Burgos, Pamplona, Valladolid, Salamanca, Zaragoza, Barcelona…
Direct connection in 2 hours with the Airport Adolfo Suárez – Barajas (Madrid).
Bus Station: Avda. de Valladolid, 40, Tfno.: 975 22 51 60

Adolfo Suárez – Barajas Airport, Madrid (217 km)