The Numancia Casino, was founded in 1848 by members of the soriana bourgeoisie, and was a meeting place for traders, officials and professionals. Since its inception had leisure and cultural motivation for its members. Parallel on the ground floor born in 1,865 Circle once dissolved Friendship Society "Recreo de los Artistas". Its purpose also be "distraction and pastime people of good society." In 1961 the two entities merge to become the Círculo de la Amistad - Numancia, an institution that continues with the same motivations that prompted the founding members.
By their gatherings they have passed names like Eduardo Saavedra, the Bécquer brothers, Antonio Machado, who in 1908 was admitted as a distinguished partner and reflected in one of his poems here, Gerardo Diego (soul Cultural mater Ateneo 1921-1922) which it gave its name to the hall where the poet played the piano, a Steineway & Sons which can still be seen, Juan Antonio Gaya Nuño, Manuel Ruiz Zorrilla, José Canalejas, Epifanio Ridruejo, Antonio Perez de la Mata, etc.
Almost since its inception, the Casino Numancia had permanent pianist and said piano was acquired in 1872 - only this brand and year running in the world - 7,500 pesetas of the time, causing a considerable debt to the institution that drew up your demise. Currently the building and continuing institution having great significance in Soria society and remains a meeting place for social activities and first class cultural, artistic, traditional and.
A beautiful building of mid-nineteenth century located on the main street of Soria, the Collado.
The ground floor retains its halls for the game, your gathering area, the ballroom and library and reading room.
Another halls of great interest is the so-called Hall of Mirrors of the main floor that retains all the charm of the casinos.
The upper floor, one of which treasures the frescoed ceilings painted in July 1901 Val and the aforementioned piano. Another gem is the picture of one of the great painters of the history soriana, Maximino Pena, sorianos reasons.
Casino also bibliographic and documentary treasures a valuable background for the purchase of books was one of the objectives since its foundation. Today this building retains all the flavor of the coffees of the nineteenth century and still maintained thanks to the contribution of its partners.
Currently on the third floor of the Casino is the Museum of the House of Poets, an exhibition that provides a space to meet the great lyricists - Antonio Machado, Gustavo Adolfo Becquer and Gerardo Diego - who dedicated his verses to Soria and its people giving different visions of what was then the city and the people who inhabited it.
In the arcades next to the entrance a bronze sculpture of Ricardo Gonzalez recalls the figure of the author of "Soria succeeded" - Gerardo Diego sitting at a table, reading a book and drinking coffee with an empty chair invites visitors to join him.
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Monday to Sunday: 10.00 to 16.00. and 20:30 to 23:00 h. |
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Free (Request needed) |
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"Center of the city route" |
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"Machadian Places" |